This training programme is designed to bridge the gaps between water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and infection prevention and control (IPC) practice, and support work towards safe healthcare for all.

We started work on developing this programme for frontline healthcare workers in Malawi in 2020. Working with Malawian Government ministries, IPC and WASH experts and healthcare staff, we have produced an engaging and scalable training package, designed to enhance health workers’ awareness of the critical importance of WASH for effective IPC, the links between IPC and WASH, and the role of a multi-disciplinary team in achieving IPC-WASH goals for quality patient care.

All of the materials have been co-developed through a consultative process that brought together stakeholders from Malawi and beyond.

What’s in the training package?

The programme consists of a participatory introductory session to orient learners, three thematic sessions, and a final action planning session with follow up activities to continue embedding the learning outside the training session.

Each of the three thematic sessions is structured around a learning video, which reflects everyday IPC and WASH challenges and is complemented and supported by a range of other materials:

  • Post-training resources: locally tailored posters, learning cards and job aids in English and Chichewa.
  • Champion videos: short video clips of Malawian health workers sharing how they are championing best practice in IPC-WASH in their healthcare facilities.
  • Additional resources: a reference list bringing together Malawian and international resources to continue the learning.

WhatsApp versions of all the videos and post-training resources are also available to enable them to be shared widely through professional networks.

How can the materials be used?

The sessions contained in the training package are primarily intended to be used as add-ons to boost existing national IPC-WASH technical training modules, but they can also be delivered together as one continuous training, individually to support specific refresher training and improvement activities, or as self-directed learning.

And although the training package was developed for use in Malawi, we hope the content is relevant and can be adapted for use in other countries.

Session A: The value of uniting IPC and WASH

In this session, learners watch a video and do an activity to learn about the importance of collaboration for IPC and WASH.

  • A1 Learning video: Introduction to IPC & WASH – English and Chichewa versions
  • A2 Group activity: Team role and collaboration icebreaker (in facilitator workbook – no online resource)
  • A3 Champion video: A commitment for all

Session B: Continuous improvement and hand hygiene

In this session, learners watch a video and explore resources to learn about collaboratively developing solutions to the problems identified through hand hygiene assessments and audits.

  • B1 Learning video: Continuous improvement and  hand hygiene – English and Chichewa
  • B2 Hand hygiene checklist – English and Chichewa
  • B3 Hand hygiene problem-solution cards
  • B4 Five Moments for hand hygiene poster
  • B5 Five moments for hand hygiene poster (simplified) – English and Chichewa
  • B6 Five Moments for hand hygiene WhatsApp learning cards – English and Chichewa
  • B7 Champion video: Identifying gaps & finding solutions through audits
  • B8 Champion video: Ntchisi District Hospital case study 

Session C: Spillage and supply management

In this session, learners watch a video and explore resources to learn about the correct roles and responsibilities for spillage cleaning and the importance of teamwork for ensuring appropriate cleaning supplies are always available.

  • C1 Learning video: Spillage and supply management – English and Chichewa
  • C2 Guardian hand hygiene poster – English and Chichewa
  • C3 Hand hygiene behaviour change materials (in facilitator workbook – no online resource)
  • C4 Champion video: Importance of data for action
  • C5 Champion video: The role of passionate multidisciplinary champions

Session D: Collaborative problem solving & waste management

In this session, learners watch a video and explore resources highlighting the unique contributions of different staff members and the value of effective collaboration for safe waste storage and disposal.

  • D1 Learning video: Collaborative problem solving & waste management – English and Chichewa
  • D2 Waste management checklist (inside ward) – English and Chichewa
  • D3 Waste management checklist (outside) – English and Chichewa
  • D4 Waste segregation poster – English and Chichewa
  • D5 Waste segregation WhatsApp learning cards – English and Chichewa
  • D6 Champion video: Joining hands to achieve better IPC-WASH
  • D7 Champion video: The value of a multidisciplinary IPC-WASH committee

Session E: Action plan and recognition

In this session, learners apply what they have learned and propose actions to take at their facility. Learners receive recognition for their efforts.

  • Health facility IPC-WASH action plan activity (in facilitator workbook – no online resource)

  • Certificate of recognition

Facilitator resources

These resources are designed to help facilitators lead the training sessions.

  • IPC-WASH facilitator guidebook
  • Session A: The value of uniting IPC and WASH – slide deck
  • Session B: Continuous improvement and hand hygiene – slide deck
  • Session C: Spillage and supply management – slide deck
  • Session D: Collaborative problem solving & waste management – slide deck
  • Session E: Action plan and recognition – slide deck

If you have questions about this training programme or would like editable versions of the training materials, email [email protected].

Top image: Hospital attendant Funny Makhenjera, 53, cleans the labour ward at Mkhuzi health centre in Ntchisi, Malawi. June 2023.