Aid effectiveness in Timor-Leste's WASH sector

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Timor-Leste, Monitoring and accountability

Case study commissioned by WaterAid and conducted by Gideon Rabinowitz of the Overseas Development Institute (ODI). This briefing note was written by Clare Battle.

Effective aid is a crucial component of efforts to achieve universal access to drinking water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). By supporting country leadership and strengthening sector performance, effective aid can enhance the capacity of governments in recipient countries to deliver equitable and sustainable water and sanitation services, and secure long-term improvements in hygiene behaviour. 

It is therefore vital that development partners (DPs) work together with governments to improve the effectiveness of aid to the sector, optimising its catalytic potential. This study focuses in particular on the role that monitoring and reporting of aid effectiveness could play in catalysing action to improve sector performance in Timor-Leste.

This report is also available to download in Tetun: Efikásia Ajuda iha Timor-Leste nia Setór BESI >

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Progressing aid effectiveness in the WASH sector

This study aims to identify how monitoring efforts to address aid effectiveness commitments and related accountability processes at the global and national level can help to strengthen incentives to address WASH sector aid effectiveness challenges. Available to download in English, French and Portuguese.