Small town sanitation learning series
- Small towns learning series: summary
- Serie de notes d'apprentissage sur les petites villes
- Small town sanitation learning series: Sakhipur, Bangladesh
- Serie de notes d'apprentissage sur l'assainissement dans les petites villes: Sakhipur, Bangladesh
- Small town sanitation learning series: 20 towns programme, Ethiopia
- Serie de notes d'apprentissage sur l'assainissement dans les petites villes: programme dans vingt villes en Ethiopie
- Small town sanitation and hygiene learning series: Babati, Tanzania
- Mfululizo wa mafunzo ya usafi wa mazingira na usafi binafsi katika miji midogo, Babati, Tanzania
- Serie de notes d'apprentissage sur l'assainissement et l'hygiene dans les petites villes: Babati, Tanzanie

In these learning notes we present our experiences in three urban sanitation projects in small towns and secondary cities:
- In Sakhipur, Bangladesh, the improvements across the whole sanitation chain, and, notably, the installation of a co-composting plant, thanks to long-term work with authorities and residents.
- In 20 towns of Ethiopia, a capacity-building initiative aimed at town utilities, to help turn them around and start considering sanitation options.
- In Babati, Tanzania, an action research project to co-create a sanitation and hygiene plan between authorities and residents.
Top image: Eniyish Ayana, 22, a trash collector in Finote Selam, West Gojjam, Amhara, Ethiopia. June 2018.