Sanitation framework

Image: WaterAid/HSBC/Habibul Haque

Sanitation services are vital for people’s health, education and dignity. They are crucial for economic development, improved livelihoods and public health, and are vital in the prevention of epidemics and pandemics. Despite commitments made by many governments, and the UN’s recognition of sanitation as a human right, it remains hugely deprioritised, poorly funded and outright neglected. We are committed to the aspiration of the Sustainable Development Goals, to go beyond access to basic sanitation services and reach the goal of safely managed sanitation for everyone, everywhere. 

We approach our work on sanitation through a system-strengthening approach: addressing barriers to access and continuous service, working at global, national and local levels on policy and practice influencing, and working on the development of the full sanitation service chain. We partner with government institutions, ministry departments and agencies, development partners, utility companies, community-based organisations, businesses, entrepreneurs and local people to ensure access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services for everyone, everywhere, focusing on the poorest and the most marginalised people. We aim to transform the sanitation sector to ensure universal access to sanitation services, with sustained use and operation for all. 

This framework defines our position, approach and standards for sanitation programming.