Water quality policy

Image: WaterAid/Jashim Salam

This WaterAid UK policy sets out the minimum requirements for water quality assurance in WaterAid-funded programmes. The policy should be used to determine the quality of water when water supply facilities are handed over to local institutions. The policy should also be used to guide WaterAid’s commitment to carry out regular testing of the water quality of the supply. 

This policy is aimed at WaterAid country programmes and partners involved in delivering new water services and rehabilitating existing water services. All WaterAid country programmes have developed their own country-specific water quality policy to align with this document, while also considering local contexts and national water quality standards.

As part of our work, WaterAid builds the capacity of local institutions so that they can conduct routine water quality monitoring and testing after the facilities have been handed over to them. The policy outlines where WaterAid’s responsibility and accountability for water quality starts and ends.

The policy is regularly updated. The latest version is from February 2019.

Top image: Water Hero, Syed Hasib Ali, tests water to raise awareness of the right to water among young people and to improve people's access to clean water. Khulna, Bangladesh. February 2020