Rural sanitation: high ambitions, low donor financing

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Adjeratou, 37, stands next to a new family latrine in the commune of Tenkodogo, in the Centre-East region, Burkina Faso, May 2019.
Image: WaterAid/ Basile Ouedraogo

In this report we consider funding for rural sanitation globally over the past five years, and the extent to which such funding matches the Sustainable Development Goal 6 ambition of reaching everyone with sanitation by 2030.

Read the report to:

Understand trends in donor funding for rural sanitation globally over the past five years.

  • How much is invested?
  • Who are the top donors and top recipients?
  • What funding modalities are being prioritised?

The key takeaways:

  • Funding for rural sanitation is insufficient. The ambitious Sustainable Development Goal targets have not been accompanied by a significant increase in investments.
  • Donors and governments have not prioritised rural sanitation, favouring instead sectors with more immediate or straightforward return on investment.
  • Donor funding for rural sanitation is often poorly targeted and uses inadequate approaches.
  • There is a shift towards integrated projects, which can help boost investment in rural sanitation, but often don’t devote enough attention to deliver it with quality.