Programme guidance for climate resilient water, sanitation and hygiene

Image: WaterAid/DRIK/Habibul Haque

This document is designed to guide WaterAid and WaterAid’s partner organisations on how to embed climate resilience across all programme work. Strengthening water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) systems, addressing inequalities and improving the sustainability of WASH helps to make WASH (and therefore people) more climate resilient.

The document is based on WaterAid’s practical experiences of implementing climate resilient WASH, including examples where WASH and water resource management have been integrated in order to build resilience. The document also describes the links between climate change, WASH and improved climate resilience, and sets out WaterAid’s aims, objectives and minimum commitments for climate resilient WASH programming.

Download: Programme guidance for climate resilient water, sanitation and hygiene

Top image: Women collect water from a pond sand filter plant in Golchera, Bangladesh in September 2018.