Seven practical lessons for WASH systems strengthening from the SusWASH programme

System strengthening
Image: WaterAid/ Sibtain Haider

Read our policy and practice brief detailing practical lessons on advancing systems strengthening in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector.

Organisations and donors working in the WASH sector have increasingly adopted systems strengthening approaches to improve and sustain WASH services and behaviours. These approaches are based on the understanding that sustainable and inclusive WASH requires a strong system. Many organisations have developed conceptual frameworks outlining what makes up a WASH system, but there are fewer concrete examples of how non-governmental actors can support systems strengthening in practice.

This policy and practice brief is for WASH practitioners, multi- and bi-lateral donors, large foundations and trusts interested in advancing systems approaches and funding systems strengthening for the realisation of Sustainable Development Goal 6. It draws on our practical experience of strengthening systems – most notably through the five-year SusWASH programme – to present seven practical lessons that donors and implementing organisations can use to advance this way of working.

Top image: Shahida with clean water collected from a WaterAid-installed pump in the villlage of Muhammad Urs Sehejo, Chatto Chand Union Council, Thatta District, Sindh Province, Pakistan. September 2018.